Wednesday, April 25, 2007

1 april to market to market camden

Happy April's Fool day. Cant think of any trick to play. the only trick that i can remember was one my class played on the teachers in secondary school. We exchanged classrooms with another class and planted some prominent students to make the teacher believed that she was in the correct class. It did take some time for the teacher to realise she had been tricked. Other than this minor trick, i cant remember much. We all do have our favourites. So cant fault the teacher for favouring some students more. Either you are the best student or the most mischievous one.

Initially we wanted to visit portobello market. But it was closed on sundays. Therefore our alternative was camden market. where drugs are supposedly on sale. more dangerous area??? the market is different from the ones we had visited so far. Not as much food. Mainly fashion. street wear. you can see quite a number of people in gothic getup. you actually see people walking around in the matrix long coat and 5566 dancing costumes. with elaborate makeup.
fashion-nothing for us. food? of course we must try something.

4 pound curry rice. can mix and match the different curries-veg, mutton, chicken, Not too bad. some pieces of potato actually were soft and melted in the mouth. yummy. as usual, i dun like green/red peppers. H had the honour of finishing those enjoying my food on a sunny day. the sun was out. although its cool, the sun rays hurt. mabbe that explains why i feel i am getting darker instead. Sunblock please. We also bought some chocs. In the paperbag on the table. belgium choc. good choc. different flavours and not too expensive. plus they tasted in camden.

I had a craving for onion rings. So off to BK. Haha. The onion rings were piping hot!

There was a strange man searchin for his keys in the restaurant. Later he even barged into the ladies. Very scary. Heard from H that he peeped under the door. Aiyoh, what to do if really encounter 'funny' people.


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