Sunday, April 01, 2007

17 MArch wat did i do?

yeah i cant really remember wat i did on 17 march. i m two weeks behind my blog. hmm. but think we went for a jog in hyde park. nice and healthy. great day to be out too. although the wind can really make u feel cold at times. no photos to show cos we din bring cameras on our run. its a beautiful park. there is a serpentine lake. u can boat there. so fun! mabbe can do boating. my obsession with boating must have started in europe with the kiddies n mich n cai. we went for two boat rides? one was on our own. the other was at the congress. got some taiwanese guys to row us along. effortless. sit and relax. its amazing how time flies. do cherish every second we have yeah.


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