Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We are on our own 3 July part one

Yeah today its choose your own adventure day. With a map in hand, we were goin to explore taipei own time own target. Trust myself to read map though.... After a breakfast of porridge and bread provided by the hotel, we set off to locate the red playhouse in ximending. It is an example of Japanese period architecture. This wooden, octagonal structre was originally a public market. Then it became a theatre for Chinese opera and a second-run cinema.

Part of the metal frame depicting different scenes.

It was a hot day in Taipei as usual. We whipped out our umbrellas and started walking. We tried to walk to the Presidential Building. I am bad at reading maps and not all the roads were labelled on the map. We ended up walking round and round. Eventually, we managed to find the Presidential Building after seeking help from passers-by.

A building we passed by along the way. Mistook it for the Presidential Building. This should be the supreme court. If we were not wrong, this should be the Presidential Building. It had the same colour scheme as shown on the taipei map. Its ornate brickwork is typical of the Japanese era.

We gave up walking and decided to find the nearest mrt station. With my "superb" map reading skills, I came to the conclusion that xiaonanmen was the closest. Again, we asked a passer-by for directions. Above is xiaonanmen. Part of the original walls that once enclosed the old city.

We took the MRT to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. It has been converted to a concert hall and theatre.

The massive traditional-style Chinese gate.
Students practising under the hot sun. Think was some concert band.

Up the flight of 89 steps (denoting Chiang's age when he died).

After climbing the 89 steps, you see the bronze sculpture of the man himself. Behind him, carved into the white marble walls, are Chinese characters reading "ethics, democracy and science", the Three Principles of the People.

What the sculpture sees everyday.

Since my camera had run out of battery, we headed back to the hotel. At the same time we had lunch at a japanese restaurant in Ximending. The restaurant looked good from the outside but the food was only so-so. The shop had no menu as well! The list of food along with the pricing was pasted on the wall. See the different coloured banners hanging from the top as well? I ordered nabeyaki udon. It looked a bit different from the usual one i had. The egg was cooked. The ones I had eaten so far were all cracked in eggs. The food could also be taken off the conveyor. The conveyor belt is actually a toy train going around the track.Some of the food was cooked while some were artificial food (you had to order from the waiter). The food was not very hygienic-looking cos the dishes were not covered.

Thought that this building located near the ximen mrt station is very cute. Sells egg biscuits. Nicholas looks good too.
We took MRT from ximen to danshui to see the sunset.


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