Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mozzies, ma and me

I told my ma I kept a blog. She was so excited and said I should write about interesting things, then I can get famous. Oh please, I did not start a blog to get famous. It was an avenue to vent my frustration and keep my frens updated on my miserably boring life (with occasional highlites only).

My ma suggested I write about mozzies. Singapore’s fight against dengue cos it’s a hot topic.
Me: It’s too serious. Why blog about such serious stuff?
Ma: It’s a hot topic mah. Then more people can read your blog and you can become famous.
Me: People write about interesting things or racy stuff. Not serious stuff.
Ma: You can educated people on how to keep mozzies at bay. Also can benefit people mah.
Me: I refuse to talk to you any further.

This was a summary of the conversation I had with my ma. She is so fired up by the dengue fever fight. And wanted to give her two cents’ worth on this issue. The reason is that we are fighting the mozzies at home too. Cos for some unknown reason, I attract mozzies. I am like the only one at home who gets bitten by the horrid bloodsuckers. My frens who go on bbq with me can testify to this. I am like their protective shield.

Currently, we live on the third floor. So the mozzies can fly into our flats. I always think that mozzies cannot fly too high unless they take the lift? Or is there anyone out there who lives on higher floors but get mozzie bites? To save me from the bites, my ma has painstakingly taped a net over the open windows so that the mozzies cannot fly in. It seems to work a bit since there are fewer bites on me nowadays. At nite, I use an insect repellent to ward off the bloodsuckers. However, sometimes they are not that effective. Then I will be awakened by the itch from the bites. And I will be totally grouchy the next day. Let’s fight the mozzies!


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