Saturday, December 10, 2005

COntest with very small audience

Just as i was about to leave jurong entertainment centre, i saw some activity at the mac area.There was a contest going on. Best of friends contest. The girls were in pairs and supposedly the best of friends. They were judged on how photogenic they were and if they had chemistry. It was rather strange as the audience were countable. When the girls went onto the stage, nobody cheered for them. The comperes were asking us to cheer for the pair we liked. I wondered where their supporters had gone to. Or were they too embarrassed to tell their friends?

The girls played a game similar to how well you know each other. A question was posed and one gal would write her answer down on the clipboard before the other gal gave an answer. Questions like what is your height, your star sign, what you cant live without. Quite farnie that one of the contestants did not know her height but her best friend knew. That was when i started to ask myself if i knew the answers to these questions regarding my best friends. Not really except the star sign question. oops. next time must ask them.


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