Monday, August 15, 2005

I am a scaredy cat

I was alone in the lab on Sunday. Don’t your thoughts start to overtake your logical mind at times? I get scared easily and any tiny noises just freak me out. I nearly jumped when there were noises coming out of the machine. Relax gal. Then the silence scared me too. I was afraid to look around for fear I would see anything.
Shucks, I had to visit the toilet. There was pin-drop silence in the loo. Of course lah. Duh. But I was frightened as well. I did not dare to look in the mirror or look around in the cubicle. Just did wat I had to do and dash out. The weird thing was the female toilet’s lights were on. They were only supposed to come on when someone enters the toilet. Some energy saver thing. And I was the only female on that floor. Gasp. So I checked the other toilet on the next floor. The lights were not on. That totally freaked me out and I did not dare to go to the toilet anymore for that day.
When I was at my table, staring at the computer screen, the lights went out. Some energy saver thing again. It was spooky. I quickly got up and reset the lights. I am afraid of the dark, especially this month. Just when I was about to leave the office, the phone rang. The first thing that ran through my mind was the Japanese horror flick, the ring. Who will be calling an empty office. That was when I realised the office was not as empty as I thought. There was another colleague right at the other end. Phew.


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