Saturday, December 24, 2005

Sad christmas eve

Tis might possibly be my saddest christmas eve. Was cooped up in e lab from mornin to night. Nine plus to ten. Went to lab in a cheery mood. But as e day went by, my mood got darker and darker. Nobody in e lab. Only one person came beside me. She was gone quite fast. There were too many things to do today. Had to bank e cells and do analysis work for e different clones. Tryin to close e project and concentrate on writing e report. Tis sucks big time. Especially if e rest of e interns are done or on leave. I cant go anywhere. Gettin depressing. Have to finis e report so that i can be happier.
It seems that people are no longer in the habit of sending christmas cards. The cards i receive each year are decreasing in number. I like to receive cards especially handwritten ones. I even keep them in a box. I would think that each card you receive means that someone is thinking of you. And it's a really sweet gesture. Just a few times a year during the festive season like christmas and chinese new year. even a sms to say hi is fine. love to hear from all my friends.
guess friends are important since there is no significant others in the picture? there are people who drop their frens once they are attached. can survive on earth just with the other half. gosh i better find ways to keep myself company. otherwise will be a lonely christmas.


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